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Rashami Desai hits backs at trolls and fat-shamers: Don’t need validation

When pictures of actor Rashami Desai’s look from her buddy, actor Arti Singh’s sangeet ceremony came online, trolls began dropping harsh comments targetting her body weight. However, the actor decided to not let the negativity get to her.
When we reached out to her, Desai shares, “In the glamour world, there’s pressure to meet certain beauty standards. But sometimes, people don’t realise what you are going through. I have been unwell for a few months.” The 38-year-old says, “You can either do what you want or listen to others. I choose the former. I don’t need validation from anyone. Trolling comes with being in the public eye; it’s a part of life.”
While she has developed a thick skin, Desai admits that sometimes trolling does hurt. “Surviving in this industry takes dedication. I can’t look 21-22 forever. My journey is beautiful, but change is hard for some people to accept,” she reflects, adding: “But it doesn’t affect me anymore because I am not born with a golden spoon. Everything that I have learnt is on my own. The negativity around has never harmed me and that’s one of the reasons I have been very strong.”
Regarding her appearance at Singh’s pre-wedding festivities, the Uttaran actor insists that all her friend’s happiness mattered the most. “The function was Arti’s, and her wedding was more important than my appearance. The trolling changes everyday, yesterday it was about my clothes, the day before about my character and before that, for any anonymous reason, which one must not have even thought of. How much attention can you give it? You got to do what you got to do,” she says, expressing her excitement for Singh’s wedding. “I’ve known Arti for more than 10 years. Seeing her and Dipak (Chauhan) so in love was such a blessed moment. I have witnessed Arti’s journey, and she is a fighter,” she ends.
